Do you ever feel like your house SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUSTS when you have your back turned? (Oh wait…is that just me???)
I have a one year old and a five year old, and try as I may, when we are home, especially if there’s been lots of fun going on, it gets a liiiiiiittle CRAZY sometimes.
One day, as I could feel the overwhelmed feeling creeping up in my chest, the Lord put a game in my mind for us to try. It’s super easy because I’m into super easy around here! (The only stipulation is your kid has to be old enough to count for it to work well.) Here’s what you do.
1. Choose a prize/incentive. In our house, the winner gets to choose a 10-15 min activity to do with the family either immediately after the game or at bedtime. Immediately after is best in my opinion because then you don’t forget! You could suggest reading a story aloud to them, do play doh together, blow bubbles outside, play hide n seek, get out a board game, water paint. You know your kids, so use whatever motivates them! And really, the key here is do something TOGETHER whenever possible. (Kids crave one-on-one quality time with you, whether you realize it or not.)
2. Set the timer for 5-10 minutes (I have used longer times if needed but I’ve found shorter times work best so we stay on task!)
3. Everyone (including you!) start cleaning, and for every item you pick up, or quick task you do, you earn one point. Be sure to emphasize the importance of putting things IN THEIR HOME, not shoving them under the bed 🙂
One piece of trash into the trash can=1 point
Wiping the table off=1 point
Putting three pieces of dirty laundry into the hamper=3 points
Putting 10 legos into the bin=10 points
You get the idea.
4. Count out loud to build the suspense, keep everyone honest, and to get more done quicker! (If you’re like us and forget which number you’re on, just pick one close to where you think you are and go with it. Remember the point is to pick up, not really being ridiculously exact on the numbers.)
5. Declare a winner and celebrate!! Who doesn’t love being encouraged!? And remember, if mommy wins, she can choose 15 minutes of quiet time!!! (Ok, if you want to be the fun mom I wouldn’t suggest this, but I have considered it!!!)
This activity serves so many purposes. Like…
>a relatively clean house
>everyone cleans together so mommy doesn’t feel like a martyr and kids learn responsibility and teamwork
>counting practice
> quality time with your kids
>opportunity to teach kids how to lose graciously
*Sometimes if there’s something with lots of pieces, it may seem kind of unfair because one person gets like 50 points at once, but really….who cares if you don’t have to pick them up!?
*If you don’t get it all done, celebrate what you did get done! And keep your word to play with them afterwards.
*This game helps ME because sometimes I see so many items that its overwhelming of where to start, and I get distracted very easily, but honestly, sometimes 5-10 minutes of super-speed cleaning andeverything is mostly back in order!!
*This works MUCH better if you do it a few times a day instead of waiting til bedtime when everyone is tired and grouchy to try to do the whole house. We aim for before meals and/or before we leave for an outing.
*Don’t keep extending the time. No one likes to clean when there’s not an end in sight! (Right??!!) Be fair and if you tell them 10 minutes, do 10 minutes and then go play with your kids!!
Try it and let me know if it works for you!!