So I had read about this idea online. And yet I never did it. Sometimes all the ideas just blur together…they seem fun, but too much work. This idea is NOT like that.
My sweet girl has been on an archeologist kick lately. And so it seemed like a good time to try it.
I don’t know what to call it. Maybe a dino dig. Maybe ice digging. But whatever you want to call it, your kids will love it!
Just find some random little toys.
Even coins would work!
Then put them in ice trays or Tupperware containers or both and add a drop or two of food coloring if you really want to go all out 😉
Freeze it.
Collect a couple paint brushes, salt, and maybe a cup of warm water. Tell then they are archeologists and have to dig out the artifacts. You can even google facts about archeologists and read them while they are doing it if you’re feeling really motivated.
Even my two year old who WON’T sit still was mesmerized. Like it bought me at least 30 min or more of time not having to chase him around the yard.
With older kids, you could use money and they get to keep it!
They are begging to do it again.
You’re welcome.