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4. David’s goal was the glory of God. Period.
David didn’t walk up to Goliath full of pride. He didn’t offer to defeat Goliath so that he would look good in front of everyone else.
Instead, he gave credit to God again and again.
His motive for defeating the giant wasn’t for his own sake, but rather for God’s name’s sake. He had confidence in the Lord to deliver him from this giant, and that’s exactly what God did
APPLICATION: The main motivation you should have for defeating your giant is God’s glory. Not to make yourself look better in front of your friends or on Facebook.
Or to help you have more self-confidence.
Or so you can use your accomplishments as a weapon to cut others down with. Your motive is to be God’s glory.
Your anthem in life should not be “try harder.” Instead, it should be to “lean further” on Him. The more you lean on Jesus, the stronger you will become, and the more your life will point to the One who give you your life in the first place. And isn’t that the goal, after all?
Remember that HE is the vine and YOU are the branch. Without being connected to Him, you can do nothing.
Trying to produce fruit when you aren’t connected to the Vine is…well…fruitless.
Connect to Him. Give Him the glory. And stop fighting in your own strength for your own glory. You’ll be glad you did…especially when you watch a giant tumble to the ground.