I’m reading in 1 Samuel and I was struck with a truth today.
God loves us, really loves us, and His way is ALWAYS best.
But He won’t force His way on us.
God warned His people what would happen in they insisted on having a king. How it would ruin things. But they didn’t care. They INSISTED ON THEIR OWN WAY.
And so He it to them.
This is so scary to me. The thought of God giving me MY way because of my own stubborn heart. Because I want what I want when and how I want it, no matter the repercussions.
He sometimes will do that. And the end isn’t pretty. Of course He does it to bring us back to Himself, but I’d rather choose Him the first time around.
What are you holding onto like that? Demanding your way? Is it worth ruining your life over?
Run from whatever it is and run back to Him. He’s waiting. He’s ready to help put the pieces back together. His ways are higher. He always knows best.