It’s so easy to fall into the trap of wasting time online. (Trust me, I know…)
But every once in awhile you come across a tip that REALLY helps!! I recently came across one just like that and wanted to share.
I’ve been following the blog “A Slob Comes Clean” and based on her descriptions of “normal” people….I fear I have the mindset of a slob! BUT thankfully I found her super helpful blog, and a lot of the little things in my life that drive me mad she seems to address in a way that makes sense to me!
One such issue.
I hate laundry. Because its NEVER done. I have subscribed to the idea of doing a load a day to keep the chaos at bay. Except that means there’s ALWAYS a load in the washer, in the dryer, or to be put away (or sometimes all three…) And then there’s the piles sitting around, ALWAYS reminding me that my work is not done yet.
Enter life-changing method: do all your laundry on one day a WEEK. Instead of a routine, you can view it as a project for the day. And when it’s done…it’s done!!
If you do this, guess what? No piles! No reminders of work undone!! Just put the laundry straight in the hamper and go on with your day.
Click here to read all the ins and outs of it.
Also, if you have littles, involve them!! My 5 year old LOVES laundry day and she knows where a large part of her clothes go and is such a blessing to me by being such a good helper!!
Simple tip. BIG change in my life. Hope it does the same for you!
I won’t sit here and beg you. But if you ever get desperate for a new way to do things, seriously just try it. It is very helpful for forgetful people like myself because you do it all in one day. (i.e. no surprises found in the washer three days later…or maybe its just me that does that…..) And my favorite part…THERE IS AN END!! At the end of laundry day, anything dirty from that day stays in the hamper and gets washed next week!! There have been a couple exceptions but as a rule…this saves so much time for me because I’m not doing multiple small loads, just a few big ones and I sort them all by who’s room they go in, put them away all at the same time, and DONE!